The curriculum at Cottingham High School is based upon The National Curriculum. We operate a three-year Key Stage 3 and a two-year KS4.
The National Curriculum
It is the essential knowledge that pupils need to be educated citizens, introducing them to the best that has been thought and said and helping to engender an appreciation of human creativity and achievement.
CHS vision
Cottingham High School seeks to provide all pupils with exciting opportunities that build confidence, develop skills and promote academic excellence.
Vision which underpins our SDP
Establish a culture of shared responsibility for the holistic and educational development of all our students where we believe, and instil in our students a belief, that irrespective of background, parental wealth, disadvantage, educational or emotional need or prior attainment, they can achieve according to their potential and that they can therefore succeed in realising their ambitions and aspirations.
CHS slogan
Believe. Achieve. Succeed.
CHS Curriculum Intent
We are a true comprehensive with an eclectic mix of learners. All students at Cottingham High School are entitled to an engaging, broad, balanced, rich, appropriately challenging and ambitious curriculum, with a strong academic core, delivered by specialists who are passionate about their subject. This will include classroom-based learning, independent learning outside the classroom and an exciting and inclusive range of extra-curricular enhancement and enrichment opportunities designed to ignite and inspire our students.
Our curriculum clearly sets out the knowledge and skills that pupils will gain at each key stage, how this knowledge and these skills will be taught and assessed and how effectively pupils apply the knowledge and skills they have acquired. Our aims are to provide an effective and enjoyable education where pupils achieve highly and are equipped with the knowledge and cultural capital they need to be confident and succeed in life. Our curriculum is designed sequentially so that new knowledge and skills build on what has been taught before through a mastery approach. It builds towards clearly defined end points. We have designed our curriculum to reflect our context and to combat social disadvantage by addressing gaps in pupils’ knowledge and skills. This includes an emphasis on reading and vocabulary-rich programmes of study and a focus on careers education in each curriculum area, which will raise aspirations.
Above all, we want all our students to be enthusiastic about their studies and to instil in them a self-belief and an appetite for life-long learning.
Below are our KS3 Curriculum Audits.