Please read more about our forthcoming Gardening Tools Amnesty held at the Coop in Cottingham here

On Thursday 20th May the Coop in Cottingham have advertised a Gardening Tools Amnesty for the school. If you have any spare gardening equipment you would like to donate to help get the project off the ground, please come down to the Coop on Thursday 20th May between 10.30 and 2.30pm and drop your donations off with a member of staff from the school.
If you are unaware of this project, the Coop in Cottingham very kindly set us up on their Coop Membership Local Community Fund to receive 2% from all purchases made up to October 2021 if members have designated us as their community fund.
Our project will focus on bringing together the past, present and future generations of the village of Cottingham, through gardening and working together on an allotment scheme.
We have many budding gardeners without their own garden and huge allotment waiting lists. Here at our school, we have a large area of untended land that will be put to this great purpose, helping the development of the school in becoming a community hub.
There is an ethical need to educate the younger generations about the ever-growing need for sustainable food and green areas. Has there ever been a better time to break out your wellies, wheelbarrow, forks and trowels and come together?
We will be in touch when the fund has closed and we are ready to get the project underway.
Thank you in anticipation for your support.
Best wishes