Emotional Health & Wellbeing Virtual Training Sessions available during February
The attached flyer below offers the following training for staff, parents and carers.
If you know someone in your family or friendship group who would benefit from this training in the current climate, please share this information with them.
Thank you
There are 3 dates in February:
- 4th February 2021 (1:30pm - 3:30pm)
Aimed at parents and carers who are having to juggle home schooling around isolation, working from home and other caring responsibilities. It will cover things like goal setting, 5 ways to wellbeing and conflict resolution.
- 11th February 2021 (4:30pm - 6:30pm)
Aimed at anyone supporting young people and includes things like how to improve active listening skills and understanding the importance of boundaries.
- 26th February 2021 (4:30pm - 6:30pm)
Aimed at all adults who are supporting young people to improve their own wellbeing by introducing the 5 Ways to Wellbeing, importance of sleep, diet, exercise, introduce Wellness Action Planning as a tool.
To register contact - headstarthull@hullcc.gov.uk with the following information:
- Name,
- Job title
- Organisation
- Email address
- Name of workshop you wish to attend
- Name
- Email address
- Name of workshop you wish to attend